Friday, March 5, 2010

Well over this weekend I moved the rest of my stuff in to my new apartment. It was pretty boring but my cousins got to come over, and help me. My room is all decorated all over the place pictures and stars hanging all over the place. Then this weekend i spent the night with my cousin and it was hilarious because she called my boyfriend and talked to him longer than her own boyfriend and she was pretty mean to him. This was kind of funny because he didn’t even say anything to her about it. Then we went over to my uncles’ for his birthday and our friend came with and my little sister don’t like him and she was beating up on him and I was like if you touch him you’re in a lot of trouble and she said yeah because no one touches your man and we weren’t even going out but it was pretty funny! And he just sat there and let her hit him and I asked him “why do you let her do that to you”? In reply to this he said “because I’m scared of her”. What do you do over your weekend or what are you going to do over your weekend?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend fun

Well over this weekend I decorated my room some more. Walked over to the dollar store with my cousins and we bought some stuff for my new place. Over this weekend I spent the night with my cousin and we were up till like 2 and her friend started to straighten my hair. Then I ended up getting corn rolls which was pretty crazy. Then we had to baby sit her two little cousins and one of them would not stop crying at all. But my one cousin was like where are you all sleeping at because her friend Ricky was spending the night to and I said in Margaret’s bed and she said all of you together yuck. But he is just a friend I told her and plus me and my cousin both have boyfriends. So she got pretty mad at me because I didn’t want to hang out with her and her little sister so my weekend was much fun. What did you do over your weekend? Or what are you going to do this weekend?

Friday, February 19, 2010

My weekend

Well over my weekend had to help my dad move which was boring. But after that i got five dollars! So i walked over to shopko and bought some hair dye which i still havnt even got done. But i have to help move more stuff out this weekend BORING but it's worth it cause i get money every time i help, but not to much money. I had my grandmother over helping and all she did was complian but she wouldn't let my cousin come over and help because she don't like them. Other wise she wouldn't she wouldn't of even had been there but she didn't want them over there because she thought the'd just make a mess. And the other weekend when i put all those glow in the dark stars up now i have to take them down and put them in my new room when i move. Which i don't want to move because i've made a bunch of friends already there but oh well it's just a new change i guess. But what did you do over the weekend?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

free time

Well over this weekend I went to the store and bought some glow in the dark stars. Me and my cousins went home and put them up now every time i go to bed at night i look up and on my ceiling I see stars. I sit there and stair and then I finally fall asleep. But every time i look up at them I think really hard about what i want to become when I’m older. Yet sometimes i wonder how I can sleep at night with these stars above my head and all around me like an alien space ship. I always remind myself that everything is going to be okay. Well what did you do over this weekend? Did you do anything fun.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

free time

My topic is what people do in their free time. The reason I picked this is it was the first thing that popped into my head. Also because I think some people in their free time spend too much time doing homework or other stuff and not having fun. I like to hang out with friends and family in my free time and just plain have fun, I also like to work on my homework for about a half an hour that way I have it done for school the next day. Plus I can’t hang out with anyone until my homework is done. Like yesterday when it was a snow day i went over to my cousin’s house and we were messing around with each other. What are some of the things you like to do in your spare time?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Free time

My topic is what people do in their free time. The reason I picked this is it was the first thing that popped into my head. Also because I think some people in their free time spend too much time doing homework or other stuff and not having fun. I like to hang out with friends and family in my free time and just plain have fun, I also like to work on my homework for about a half an hour that way I have it done for school the next day. Plus I can’t hang out with anyone until my homework is done. Like yesterday when it was a snow day i went over to my cousin’s house and we were messing around with each other. What are some of the things you like to do in your spare time?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Semester Portfolio - Piece I’d Like to Revise

It’s a cause effect essay. It’s about how i got in trouble when I was hanging out with my cousin during the summer time. My ideas came from since my cousin and I hang out together a lot I thought I would write about me and her. I would change it by spending a little more time writing it and paying more attention to what I was writing. Here is some of what it was about.

In the summer of 2009. But this was a summer is one I’ll never forget. Because I ended up doing a lot of things I’ve never done before and I’ll never forget them. One of those things is I had my cousin spend the night and my mom didn’t know about it. So she was blowing my phone up like crazy. When I finally answered, she said “Shylah Marie Stulken you need to get home in 5 minutes or else your cousin and you are grounded”. Well I didn’t feel like being grounded again so I told my cousin we got to get going. As usual she said and who said my mom so let’s go. I finally got her out of there a half an hour later. When we got home, we were in deep trouble I could tell by the look on my mom’s face and her tone of voice. The main effect was I ended up getting grounded for most of the summer.