Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Semester Portfolio – Favorite Piece

It’s a poem. It’s about my mom’s friend house and why I love to be there so much. It’s my favorite because it’s one of my best writings I’ve done. Everyone that’s read it liked how detailed it was and so do I. My ideas came from being there most of the time so I knew what it was like and it was easy to write about for a poem. Here is some of it.

My friend’s house is comforting
Everyone is caring
It’s very active
People are always coming and going
It’s steaming
They love to grill out and cook
Being there is like a hilarious comedy
Every time I’m there; I’m always laughing
Very enjoyable to be at
Jagged in the backyard
I love to walk barefoot on the jagged parts
It’s very intense
The backyard is gigantic
Like a huge swimming pool
Everyone loves to be outside
My friend’s house

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