Thursday, January 14, 2010

First semester reflection

I grew as a language arts student by, becoming a better reader I never used to like reading before. But now I know what kind of books i like I like to read. The kind of books I like to read are mystery book I like those books because I like to keep guess what is going to be happening in the next chapter. Now that I have learned that I like to read on rainy days or even when I’m just bored. I used to try to get interested in a book by like the third page or so I’d stop reading and that made me not like reading, so now that I’m interested in mystery I love to read.

Over the first semester I had learned about myself that I could try a little bit harder in some of my classes. Because when you work poorly you don’t get the grade you want or know you deserve. So into the second semester I am going to work harder in the classes I have a tough time with. For instance like studying more or paying more attention in class. When I do that I know that I’ll get the grade I want and deserve.

To be a better student in the second semester I need to, pay more attention to my teachers instead of trying to do the things all myself. If I do that I will be better off than not paying attention. I’ll get better grades the ones I know I deserve. Second off I could get fewer infractions. That means I’d have to get my homework done on time. This would be good for my grades also, because they wouldn’t have to deduct points off.

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